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On Spells and Society, or how 5e spells completely change everyone's lives.

Today i have a confession to make: i'm a little bit of a minmaxer. And honestly, i think that's a pretty desirable trait in a DM. The minmaxer knows the rules, and exploits them to maximum efficiency.
"But wait, what does that have to do with spell use in society?" - someone, probably.
Well, the thing is that humans are absolutely all about minmaxing. There's a rule in the universe that reads "gas expands when hot", and suddenly we have steam engines (or something like that, i'm a political scientist not an engineer). A rule says 1+1 = 2, and suddenly we have calculus, computers and all kinds of digital stuff that runs on math. Sound is energy? Let's convert that shit into electricity, run it through a wire and turn it back into sound on the other side.
Bruh. Science is just minmaxing the laws of nature. Humanity in real life is just a big bunch of munchkins, and it should be no different in your setting.
And that is why minmaxing magic usage is something societies as a whole would do, specially with some notable spells. Today i will go in depth on how and why each of these notable mentions has a huge impact on a fantasy society.
We'll go from lowest level to highest, keeping in mind that the lower level a spell the more common it should be to find someone who has it, so often a level 2-3 spell will have more impact than a level 9 spell.

Mending (cantrip).
Repair anything in one minute. Your axe lost its edge? Tore your shirt? Just have someone Mend it.
Someone out there is crying "but wait! Not every village has a wizard!" and while that is true, keep in mind any High Elf knows a cantrip, as can any Variant Human.
A single "mender" could replace a lot of the work a smith, woodworker or seamstress does, freeing their time to only work on making new things rather than repair old ones.

Prestidigitation (cantrip).
Clean anything in six seconds. Committed axe murders until the axe got blunt, and now there's blood everywhere? Dog shit on your pillow out of spite? Someone walked all over the living room with muddy boots? Just Prestidigitate it away.
This may look like a small thing, but its actually huge when you apply it to laundry. Before washing machines were a thing housewives had to spend several hours a week washing them manually, and with Prestidigitation you can just hire someone to get it done in a few minutes.
A single "magic cleaner" can attend to several dozen homes, if not hundreds, thus freeing several hours of the time of dozens of women.
Fun fact: there's an interesting theory that says feminism only existed because of laundry machines and similar devices. Women found themselves having more free time, which they used to read and socialize. Educated women with more contacts made for easy organization of political movements, and the fact men were now able to do "the women's work" by pushing a button meant men were less opposed to losing their housewives' labor. Having specialized menders and magic cleaners could cause a comparable revolution in a fantasy setting, and help explain why women have a similar standing to men even in combat occupations such as adventuring.

Healing in general (1st-2nd level).
This one is fairly obvious. A commoner has 4 hit points, that means just about any spell is a full heal to the average person. That means most cuts, stab wounds, etc. can be solved by the resident cleric. Even broken bones that would leave you in bed for months can be solved in a matter of seconds as soon as the holy man arrives.
But that's nothing compared to the ability to cure diseases. While the only spell that can cure diseases is Lesser Restoration, which is second level, a paladin can do it much more easily with just a Lay on Hands. This means if one or two people catch a disease it can just be eradicated with a touch.
However doing that comes with a cost. If everyone is instantly expunged of illness, the populace does not build up their immune systems. Regular disease becomes less common, sure, but whenever it is reintroduced (by, say, immigrants or contact with less civilized humanoids) it can spread like wildfire, afflicting people so fast that no amount of healers will have the magic juice to deal with it.
Diseases become rare, plagues become common.

Continual Flame (2nd).
Ok, this one is a topic i love and could easily be its own post.
There's an article called "Why the Falling Cost of Light Matters", which goes in detail about how man went from chopping wood for fire, to using animal fat for candles, then other oils, whale oil, kerosene, then finally incandescent light bulbs, and more recently LED lights. Each of these leaps is orders of grandeur more efficient than the previous one, to the point that the cost of light today is about 500,000 times cheaper than it was for for a caveman. And until the early 1900s the only way mankind knew of making light was to set things on fire.
Continual Flame on the other hand allows you to turn 50gp worth of rubies and a 2nd level spell slot into a torch that burns forever. In a society that spends 60 hours of labor to be able to generate 140 minutes of light, this is a huge game changer.
This single spell, which i am 99% sure was just created as an excuse for why the dungeon is lit despite going for centuries without maintenance, allows you to have things like public lighting. Even if you only add a new "torchpost" every other week or month sooner or later you'll be left with a neatly lit city, specially if the city has had thousands of years in which to gather the rubies and light them up.
And because the demand of rubies becomes so important, consider how governments would react. Lighting the streets is a public service, if its strategically relevant to make the city safer at night, would that not warrant some restrictions on ruby sales? Perhaps even banning the use of rubies in jewelry?
Trivia: John D. Rockefeller, the richest man in history, gained his wealth selling kerosene. Kerosene at the time was used to light lamps. Gasoline was invented much later, when Rockefeller tasked a bunch of scientists to come up with a use for some byproducts of the kerosene production. This illustrates how much money is to be had in the lighting industry, and you could even have your own Rockefeller ruby baron in your game. I shall call him... Dohn J. Stonebreaker. Perfect name for a mining entrepreneur.
Whether the ruby trade ends up a monopoly under the direct supervision of the king or a free market, do keep in mind that Continual Flame is by far the most efficient way of creating light.

Gentle Repose (2nd).
Cast it on a corpse, and it stays preserved for 10 days.
This has many potential uses, from preserving foodstuffs (hey, some rare meats are expensive enough to warrant it) to keeping the bodies of old rulers preserved. Even if a ruler died of old age and cannot be resurrected, the body could be kept "fresh" out of respect/ceremony. Besides, it keeps the corpse from becoming undead.

Skywrite (2nd).
Ok, this one is mostly a gag. While the spell can be used by officials to make official announcements to the populace, such as new laws or important news, i like to just use it for spam. I mean, its a ritual spell that writes a message on the sky; what else would people use it for?
Imagine you show up in a city, and there's half a dozen clouds reading "buy at X, we have what you need", "get your farming supplies over at Joe's store" or "vote Y for the city council".
The possibilities are endless, and there's no way the players can expect it. Just keep in mind that by RAW the spell can only do words, meaning no images. No Patrick, "8===D" is not a word.

Zone of Truth (2nd).
This one is too obvious. Put all suspects of a crime into a ZoT, wait a couple minutes to make sure they fail the save, then ask each one if he did it. Sure its not a perfect system, things like the Ring of Mind Shielding still exist, but it's got a better chance of getting the right guy than most medieval justice systems. And probably more than a few contemporary ones. All while taking only a fraction of the time.
More importantly, with all the average crimes being handled instantly, the guards and investigators have more time to properly investigate the more unusual crimes that might actually involve a Thought Shield, Ring of Mind Shielding or a level 17 Mastermind.
There is a human rights argument against messing with people's minds in any way, which is why this may not be practiced in every kingdom. But there are definitely some more lawful societies that would use ZoT on just about every crime.
Why swear to speak the truth and nothing but the truth when you can just stand in a zone of truth?
Another interesting use for ZoT is oaths. When someone is appointed into an office, gets to a high rank in the military or a guild, just put them in a ZoT while they make their oath to stand for the organization's values and yadda yadda. Of course they can be corrupted later on, but at least you make sure they're honest when they are sworn in.

Sending (3rd).
Sending is busted in so many ways.
The more "vanilla" use of it is to just communicate over long distances. We all know that information is important, and that sometimes getting information a whole day ahead can lead to a 40% return on a massive two-year investment. Being able to know of invasions, monsters, disasters, etc. without waiting days or weeks for a courier can be vital for the survival of a nation. Another notable example is that one dude who ran super fast for a while to be the first to tell his side of a recent event.
But the real broken thing here is... Sending can Send to any creature, on any plane; the only restriction being "with which you are familiar". In D&D dead people just get sent to one of the afterlife planes, meaning that talking to your dead grandfather would be as simple as Sending to him. Settling inheritance disputes was never easier!
Before moving on to the next point let me ask you something: Is a cleric familiar with his god? Is a warlock familiar with his patron?

Speak With Dead (3rd).
Much like Sending, this lets you easily settle disputes. Is the senate/council arguing over a controversial topic? Just ask the beloved hero or ruler from 200 years ago what he thinks on the subject. As long his skeleton still has a jaw (or if he has been kept in Gentle Repose), he can answer.
This can also be used to ask people who killed them, except murderers also know this. Plan on killing someone? Accidentally killed someone? Make sure to inutilize the jaw. Its either that, being so stealthy the victim can't identify you, or being caught.

Note on spell availability.
Oh boy. No world-altering 4th level spells for some reason, and suddenly we're playing with the big boys now.
Spells up to 3rd level are what I'd consider "somewhat accessible", and can be arranged for a fee even for regular citizens. For instance the vanilla Priest statblock (MM348) is a 5th level cleric, and the standard vanilla Druid (MM346) a 4th level druid.
Spells of 5th level onward will be considered something only the top 1% is able to afford, or large organizations such as guilds, temples or government.

Dream (5th).
I was originally going to put Dream along with Sending and Telepathy as "long range communication", but decided against it due to each of them having unique uses.
And when it comes to Dream, it has the unique ability of allowing you to put your 8 hours of sleep to good use. A tutor could hire someone to cast Dream on him, thus allowing him to teach his student for 8 hours at any distance. This is a way you could even access hermits that live in the middle of nowhere or in secluded monasteries. Very wealthy families or rulers would be willing to pay a good amount of money to make sure their heirs get that extra bit of education.
Its like online classes, but while you sleep!
Another interesting use is for cheating. Know a princess or queen you like? She likes you back? Her dad put 400 trained soldiers between you? No problemo! Just find a 9th level Bard, Warlock or Wizard, but who am i kidding, of course it'll be a bard. And that bard is probably you. Now you have 8 hours to do whatever you want, and no physical evidence will be left.

Raise Dead (5th).
Few things matter more in life than death. And the ability to resurrect people has a huge impact on society. The impact is so huge that this topic needs topics of its own.
First, diamond monopoly. Remember what i said about how Continual Flame would lead to controlled ruby sales due to its strategic value? This is the same principle, but a hundred times stronger. Resurrection is a huge strategic resource. It makes assassinations harder, can be used to bring back your officials or highest level soldiers over and over during a war, etc. This means more authoritarian regimes would do everything within their power to control the supply and stock of diamonds. Which in turn means if anyone wants to have someone resurrected, even in times of peace, they'll need to call in a favor, do a quest, grease some hands...
Second, resurrection insurance. People hate risks. That's why insurance is such a huge industry, taking up about 15% of the US GDP. People insure their cars, houses... even their lives. Resurrection just means "life insurance" is taken more literally. This makes even more sense when you consider how expensive resurrection is: nobody can afford it in one go, but if you pay a little every month or year you can save up enough to have it done when the need arises.
This is generally incompatible with the idea of a State-run monopoly over diamonds, but that just means different countries within a setting can take different approaches.
To make things easier, i even used some microeconomics to make a sheet in my personal random generators to calculate the price of such a service. Just head to the "Insurance" tab and fill in the information relative to your setting.
With actual life insurance resurrection can cost as little as 5gp a year for humans or 8sp a year for elves, making resurrection way more affordable than it looks.
Also, do you know why pirates wore a single gold earring? It was so that if your body washes up on the shore whoever finds it can use the money to arrange a proper burial. Sure there's a risk of the finder taking it and walking away, but the pirates did it anyway. With resurrection in play, might as well just wear a diamond earring instead and hope the finder is nice enough to bring you back.
I got so carried away with the whole insurance thing i almost forgot: the possibility of resurrection also changes how murders are committed.
If you want someone dead but resurrection exists, you have to remove the vital organs. Decapitation would be far more common. Sure resurrection is still possible, but it requires higher level spells or Reincarnate, which has... quirks.
As a result it should be very obvious when someone was killed by accident or an overreaction, and when someone was specifically out to kill the victim.

Scrying (5th).
This one is somewhat obvious, in that everyone and their mother knows it helps finding people. But who needs finding? Well, that would be those who are hiding.
The main use i see for this spell, by far, is locating escaped criminals. Just collect a sample of hair or blood when arresting someone (or shipping them to hard labor which is way smarter), and if they escape you'll be almost guaranteed to successfully scry on them.
A similar concept to this is seen in the Dragon Age series. If you're a mage the paladins keep a sample of your blood in something called a phylactery, and that can be used to track you down. There's even a quest or two about mages trying to destroy their phylacteries before escaping.
Similarly, if you plan a jailbreak it would be highly beneficial to destroy the blood/hair sample first. As a matter of fact i can even see a thieves guild hiring a low level party to take out the sample while the professional infiltrators get the prisoner out. Keep in mind both events must be done at the same time, otherwise the guards will just collect a new sample or would have already taken it to the wizard.
But guards aren't the only ones with resources. A loan shark could keep blood samples of his debtors, a mobster can keep one of those who owe him favors, etc. And the blood is ceremoniously returned only when the debt is fully paid.

Teleportation Circle (5th), Transport Via Plants (6th).
In other words, long range teleportation. This is such a huge thing that it is hard to properly explain how important it is.
Teleportation Circle creates a 10ft. circle, and everyone has one round to get in and appear on the target location. Assuming 30ft. movement that means you can get 192 people through, which is a lot of potential merchants going across any distance. Or 672 people dashing.
Math note: A 30ft radius square around a 10ft. diameter square, minus the 4 original squares. Or [(6*2+2)^2]-4 squares of 5ft. each. Hence 192 people.
Getting hundreds of merchants, workers, soldiers, etc. across any distance is nothing to scoff at. In fact, it could help explain why PHB item prices are so standardized: Arbitrage is so easy and cheap that price differences across multiple markets become negligible. Unless of course countries start setting up tax collectors outside of the permanent teleportation circles in order to charge tariffs.
Transport Via Plants does something very similar but it requires 5ft of movement to go through, which means less people can be teleported. On the other hand it doesn't burn 50gp and can take you to any tree the druid is familiar with, making it nearly impossible for tax collectors to be waiting on the other side. Unfortunately druids tend to be a lot less willing to aid smugglers, so your best bet might be a bard using spells that don't belong to his list.
With these methods of long range teleportation not only does trade get easier, but it also becomes possible to colonize or inhabit far away places. For instance if someone finds a gold mine in the antarctic you could set up a mine and bring food and other supplies via teleportation.

Major Image (6th level slot).
Major Image is a 3rd level spell that creates an illusion over a 20ft cube, complete with image, sound, smell and temperature. When cast with a 6th level slot or higher, it lasts indefinitely.
That my friends, is a huge spell. Why get the world's best painter to decorate the ceiling of your cathedral when you can just get an illusion made in six seconds?
The uses for decorating large buildings is already good, but remember: we're not restricted to sight.
Cast this on a room and it'll always be cool and smell nice. Inns would love that, as would anyone who always sleeps or works in the same room. Desert cities have never been so chill.
You can even use an illusion to make the front of your shop seem flashier, while hollering on loop to bring customers in.
The only limit to this spell is your imagination, though I'm pretty sure it was originally made just to hide secret passages.
Trivia: the ki-rin (VGM163) can cast Major Image as a 6th level spell, at will. It's probably meant to give them fabulous lairs yet all it takes is someone doing the holy horsey a big favor, and it could enchant the whole city in a few hours. Shiniest city on the planet, always at a nice temperature and with a fragrance of lilac, gooseberries or whatever you want.

Simulacrum (7th).
Spend 12 hours and 1500gp worth of ruby dust, and get a clone of yourself. Notably, each caster can only have one simulacrum, regardless of who the person he cloned is.
How this changes the world? By allowing the rich and powerful to be in two places at once. Kings now have a perfect impersonator who thinks just like them. A wealthy banker can run two branches of his company. Etc.
This makes life much easier, but also competes with Continual Flame over resources.
It also gives "go fuck yourself" a whole new meaning, making the sentence a valid Suggestion.

Clone (8th).
If there's one spell i despise, its Clone.
Wizard-only preemptive resurrection. Touch spell, costs 1.000gp worth of diamonds each time, takes 120 days to come into effect, and creates a copy of the creature that the soul occupies if the original dies. Oh, and the copy can be made younger.
Why is it so despicable? Because it makes people effectively immortal. Accidents and assassinations just get you sent to the clone, and old age can be forever delayed because you keep going back to younger versions of yourself. Being a touch spell means the wizard can cast it on anyone he wants.
In other words: high level wizards, and only wizards, get to make anyone immortal.
That means wizards will inevitably rule any world in which this spell exists.
Think about it. Rulers want to live forever. Wizards can make you live forever. Wizards want other stuff, which you must give them if you want to continue being Cloned. Rulers who refuse this deal eventually die, rulers who accept stick around forever. Natural selection makes it so that eventually the only rulers left are those who sold their soul to wizards. Figuratively, i hope.
The fact that there are only a handful of wizards out there who are high enough level to cast the spell means its easier for them organize and/or form a cartel or union (cartels/unions are easier to maintain the fewer suppliers are involved).
This leads to a dystopian scenario where mages rule, kings are authoritarian pawns and nobody else has a say in anything. Honestly it would make for a fun campaign in and of itself, but unless that's specifically what you're going for it'll just derail everything else.
Oh, and Clone also means any and all liches are absolute idiots. Liches are people who turned themselves into undead abominations in order to gain eternal life at the cost of having to feed on souls. They're all able to cast 9th level wizard spells, so why not just cast an 8th level one and keep undeath away? Saves you the trouble of going after souls, and you keep the ability to enjoy food or a day in the sun.

Demiplane (8th).
Your own 30ft. room of nothingness. Perfect place for storage and a DM's nightmare given how once players have access to it they'll just start looting furniture and such. Oh the horror.
But alas, infinite storage is not the reason this is a broken spell. No sir.
Remember: you can access someone else's demiplane. That means a caster in city 1 can put things into a demiplane, and a caster in city 2 can pull them out of any surface.
But wait, there's more! There's nothing anywhere saying you can't have two doors to the same demiplane open at once. Now you're effectively opening a portal between two places, which stays open for a whole hour.
But wait, there's even more! Anyone from any plane can open a door to your neat little demiplane. Now we can get multiple casters from multiple planes connecting all of those places, for one hour. Sure this is a very expensive thing to do since you're having to coordinate multiple high level individuals in different planes, but the payoff is just as high. We're talking about potential integration between the most varied markets imaginable, few things in the multiverse are more valuable or profitable. Its a do-it-yourself Sigil.
One little plot hook i like about demiplanes is abandoned/inactive ones. Old wizard/warlock died, and nobody knows how to access his demiplanes. Because he's at least level 15 you just know there's some good stuff in there, but nobody can get to it. Now the players have to find a journal, diary, stored memory or any other way of knowing enough about the demiplane to access it.

True Polymorph (9th).
True Polymorph. The spell that can turn any race into any other race, or object. And vice-versa. You can go full fairy godmother and turn mice into horses. For a spell that can change anything about one's body it would not be an unusual ruling to say it can change one's sex. At the very least it can turn a man into a chair, and the chair into a woman (or vice-versa of course).
But honestly, that's just the tip of the True Polymorph iceberg. Just read this more carefully:
> You transform the creature into a different creature, the creature into a nonmagical object, or the object into a creature
This means you can turn a rock or twig into a human. A fully functional human with, as far as the rules go, a soul. You can create life.
But wait, there's more! Nothing there says you have to turn the target into a known creature on an existing creature. The narcissist bard wants to create a whole race of people who look like him? True Polymorph. A player wants to play a weird ass homebrew race and you have no idea how it would fit into the setting? True Polymorph. Wizard needs a way to quickly populate a kingdom and doesn't want to wait decades for the subjects to grow up? True Polymorph. Warlock must provide his patron 100 souls in order to free his own? True Polymorph. The sorcerer wants to do something cool? Fuck that guy, sorcerers don't get any of the fun high level spells; True Poly is available to literally every arcane caster but the sorcerer.
Note: what good is Twinned Spell if all the high level twinnable spells have been specifically made unavailable to sorcerers?
Do keep in mind however that this brings a whole new discussion on human rights. Does a table have rights? Does it have rights after being turned into a living thing? If it had an owner, is it now a slave? Your country will need so many new laws, just to deal with this one spell.
People often say that high level wizards are deities for all intents and purposes. This is the utmost proof of that. Clerics don't get to create life out of thin air, wizards do. The cleric worships a deity, the wizard is the deity.

Intelligent creatures not only can game the system, but it is entirely in character for them to do so. I'll even argue that if humanoids don't use magic to improve their lives when it's available, you're pushing the suspension of disbelief.
With this post i hope to have helped you make more complex and realistic societies, as well as provide a few interesting and unusual plot hooks
Lastly, as much as i hate comment begging i must admit i am eager to see what spells other players think can completely change the world. Because at the end of the day we all know that extra d6 damage is not what causes empires to rise and fall, its the utility spells that make the best stories.

Edit: Added spell level to all spells, and would like to thank u/kaul_field for helping with finishing touches and being overall a great mod.
submitted by Isphus to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

The Correlation Between Sonic the Hedgehog and the New York Knicks (Pt 1)

Sonic the Hedgehog: a popular video game franchise of a cocky, quick-witted, free-spirited blue hedgehog who is as fast as the speed of sound and fights the forces of evil with a colorful cast of companions. The New York Knickerbockers: a professional NBA basketball team that resides in Madison Square Garden in Manhattan, New York City. Now you might be thinking, “What do these two things have in common? A video game mascot and a sports team aren’t similar?” And you’re probably right, they just seem too different from each other. It’s not like they are polar opposites, but that they are just so different that it seems almost impossible for them to have similarities. They are in two totally different realms of existence. But if you are a fan of both, you start to see through the overlining aspects and can find some significant connections between the two. You come to find that a prosperous start eventually led to many miserable downfalls. You find that the ones pulling the strings and running the show are the ones that are driving these two franchises straight into the ground. You find that the loyal fans are given false hope and promises nearly every year. And you come to find that these two franchises timelines are somewhat parallel to each other.
Bright Beginnings
If we are going to talk about how it all started with these two, let’s do the Knicks first, since they have been around longer. The winter of 1891 was the year that physical educator James Naismith had an idea. It was too cold for the Massachusetts boys to go outside and get active. So, Naismith decided to nail up some peach baskets indoors, got a leather ball, made some rules and regulations, and then the rest is history. The game for young boys quickly became a trend. Recreational centers and schools embraced this new game and basketball became known to all. But playing on a school team wasn’t enough. Where do these kids and young men go with this talent? It was then decided that just like baseball and football, America needed a professional league for basketball. And so, on June 6, 1946, in New York, the Nation Basketball Association was born. And with it, a new team called The New York Knickerbockers (more commonly known as Knicks for short). Yeah, that’s right, the Knicks are as old as the goddamn NBA. The Knicks have seen it all in the NBA. The best, the worst, wins, losses. It was only until the 70s where the Knicks began to prosper for the very first time. With Walt “Clyde” Frazier, Dave DeBusschere, Willis Reed, Bill Bradley, and Dick Barnett, Phill Jackson, under Coach William 'Red' Holzman, New York got their very first championship. And even another 3 years later. They beat out guys like Jerry West, Wilt Chamberlin, and many more. After those years, the rest of the 70s were an “iffy” time for NY. Their records were great at first, getting into the playoffs and Eastern Conference semi-finals just to be eliminated each time. Then the 80s came around and things started to look up for them again. Their records improved, Bernard King was great but were eliminated in the playoff each time they got there. Then, after a terrible season, the Knicks were placed in the NBA Draft Lottery for the very first time in 1985. And got one of the greatest players and best-known Knicks of all time with the 1st round pick, Patrick Ewing. Then the 90s came around, which was also an electric and most memorable time for New York basketball. Patrick Ewing, John Starks, Charles Oakley, Charlie Ward, Anthony Mason, the list goes on. Coached by the famous Pat Riley, it was an unforgettable time. Did they win any championships? No. But the Garden was never truly the same after that. And for the next 2 decades, it only seemed to change for the very worst.
During all of this, and World War 2, Service Games were making coin-operated slot machines for entertainment for the war effort. After the war, the company sent employees to Japan for expansion. The company began to grow worldwide. It was then shut down when the US government found illegal business practices (which was just some good ole tax evasion). But then one of the original creators, Martin Bromley, made other companies in order to take over its assets and activities, so nothing really changed. Service Games of Japan (more commonly referred to as Sega) was bought out by other companies as time went on, but never really seemed to leave Japan. From slot machines, to photo booths, to pinball machines, to eventually, the brand-new world of video game entertainment. Competition was fierce, games were created, their famous “Sega Genesis” console was made, until the faithful day of June 23, 1991, one of the most famous video game characters to ever exist was created. In the form of an 8-bit, blue, fast hedgehog named Sonic. It was the only character to out beat the worldwide beloved, Italian, plumber, and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) that we all know far too well at the time. The fast-paced and exciting gameplay was riveting. Players awed as Sonic raced to defeat Dr. Robotnik and his robot army to take over the world and stealing the mysterious and infinity powerful Chaos Emeralds was exhilarating for all. Sonic the Hedgehog was a staple of an iconic video game and video game character. And a staple of Sega’s success. The only logical thing to do now is to ride this success, and they sure did. With a multitude of sequels both canon and non-canon, spinoff shows, comic book series, merchandise, and some reboots, it seemed like Sega’s #1 mascot was at the top and continued to rise. But it only takes so long for something to keep rising in fame. Isaac Newton said himself, “What goes up must come down.” And if Sonic was on top, there is only one other place it can go.
The Roaring ‘90s
From the early 90s to the present day, these two have coexisted at the same time, but in different worlds. One related to video games, one related to live professional sports, both in the name of worldwide entertainment. Then the universe made their paths in time parallel to each other. When Sonic was created in 1991, The Knicks got Pat Riley to coach the team. Acquiring the originally undrafted John Starks, who was an electrifying scorer, as he went hand in hand with Patrick Ewing. They went as far as to beat the Pistons in the first round but fell short of succeeding forward because of some guy from the Chicago Bulls that I have never heard of, named Michael Jordan. I guess he was big deal but I’m not too sure. They had had an even better season the following year. Going from a 51–31 record to a 60–22 record. They made it to the Eastern Conference finals only to get swept by Jordan’s Bulls. For Sega, they released Sonic the Hedgehog 2. The story of the battle between Sonic and Robotnik continued. In this game, there was a player 2 option for a friend of a younger sibling. They introduced Miles "Tails" Prower, a young, yellow fox with a knack for mechanical engineering. He would be considered Sonic’s closest friend, almost like a brother. It was a commercial success as well. It was a good year for both Sonic and the Knicks, even though Sonic many have had a better one.
1993 and 1994 was also a prosperous year for both. For the Knicks, with a 57–25 record, defeating all the other teams in the playoff (including Jordan), and returned to the Eastern Conference finals. They would have made it to the NBA finals if it weren’t for the most hated player in New York at the time, Reggie Miller, and the rest of the Indiana Pacers. With two missed free-throws from Starks, an angry/stubborn Pat Riley, to a missed finger-roll layup by Ewing, the Knicks lost 97–95. But ‘93 and ‘94 was a memorable year for the Knicks, as well as for Sega. In the same year, Sonic CD came out in Japan. In it, they introduced Metal Sonic, a robot made by Robotnik to combat Sonic, and Rosy the Rascal (Amy Rose) a pink hedgehog saved by Sonic who is madly and blindly in love with him. Metal was a great adversary for Sonic because it always kept up with him. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 rolled out in ‘94. In it, they continued the story with the brand-new setting of the Floating Island (later to be named Angel Island). Robotnik goes there to repair his “Death Egg” that was damaged in the last game. He tricks the newly introduced character, “Knuckles the Echidna”, a strong, stubborn, and at times dense, who was the guardian of the Island into thinking the Sonic and Tails were the enemies. Knuckle became a quick and notary rival of the blue hedgehog, until the end of the game where Knuckle learns the truth and is then helps Sonic to defeat Robotnik. The game, including Knuckles, was loved by fans. They found success in the game. Their new console, the “Sega Saturn”, not so much. It was outshined and outsold by Sony’s new console, The PlayStation. It couldn’t meet up to what its predecessor, the Genesis, did in the gaming industry. Funny how the Knicks and Sonic mirrored each other that year. They were both on a fiery trail only to be halted by another. The Pacers for the Knicks, and The PlayStation for Sega. They were so close to ultimate success that year. Nevertheless, a pretty solid year for both. At this point, you can’t talk about the best games without mentioning Sonic. And you can’t talk about the best basketball teams without mentioning the Knicks.
The next couple of years were a stagnant few for the blue hedgehog and the New York team. For the Knicks, Pat Riley resigned and moved on to coach the Miami Heat. After firing the new head coach, Don Nelson, the Knicks gave the position to the assistant coach, Jeff Van Gundy. They acquired the big-man Larry Johnson and pure scorer and Allan Houston. The Knicks were eliminated playoff series after playoff series due to the Bull, Heat, and Pacers. In the ’98-’99 season, things started to get cooking. They traded greats like John Starks and Charles Oakley for Latrell Sprewell and Marcus Camby. While Ewing was aging and having constant injuries, the new players began to step up. They climbed over all the competition and became the first eighth-seeded playoff team to make it to the NBA Finals. Sweat, but short-lived because the powerful San Antonio Spurs beat them to win it all. It proved that the Knicks were still a top caliber NBA team. Being able to dominate the entire East, while striking fear in the West. Sega after 1994 were the same as the Knicks, as they found themselves in the same position and not progressing forward. Making many Sonic titles that felt more like fillers than actual pure Sonic games. The story didn’t progress, and the games were not innovative. New modern technology allowed for new 3D modeled games. The world of 2D was starting to take a seat, and everyone wanted the next best thing. In 1998, they released the “Sega Dreamcast”, in attempts to participate in that year's new upcoming set of consoles that ran 3D games. And with it, the next Sonic title was ready to shake the world, as it did once before. Titled “Sonic Adventures”, it was so critically acclaimed, that 2.5 million copies sold in total, making it the Dreamcast’s bestselling game ever. On Knuckles home of Angel Island, the Master Emerald (one similar to the 7 Chaos Emerald but much bigger and with even greater power and the one he was sworn to protect), is in danger of Dr. Robotnik new plan to release “Chaos”, an immortal and god-like being made out of concentrated energy who was sealed away buy Knuckles ancestors, in order to rule the world. Different characters have different abilities you can play with. We all know Sonic can run fast, but now we can see Tails fly, Knuckles climb, and Amy smash baddies with her large new hammer. It showed the world what Sonic can do in the world of 3D games. Also, the killer original soundtrack to add to the fast-paced excitement, truly made it more memorable. Great level designs mixed with wonderful storytelling and amazing game mechanics, it is widely accepted as one of the greatest Sonic game ever created. The Dreamcast itself didn’t have such a happy ending. Poor manufacturing rates in Japan caused not enough units to be shipped out to please the general public and the massive amounts of orders. Plus, Sony’s new PlayStation 2, Nintendo’s new GameCube, and Microsoft’s first-ever console, the Xbox, crushed the Dreamcast’s chances at full success, despite Sega’s confidence in it. Yet again, Sonic and the Knicks face the mirror and have the similar outcome. In the forms of a superb season with failed Finals expectations, and a stellar game with failed console expectations. So close to a perfect year. It doesn’t really matter now though. Everyone did what Prince said and partied because it was 1999. It was the start of a new decade. Sonic and the Knicks were ready to leave their wonderful pasts in the past. Indicative of an era, preprepared to look ahead into the unknown future. What could possibly go wrong? Oh, just what…...could possibly…… go……. wrong.
The Dark Decade
The year 2000, a brand-new start for all. Forget what happened last year. It now a decade behind you. At the start of a new year, everyone tries to make it his or her own. Before the clock struck 12 on January 1, the Knicks drafted Frédéric Weis from France, instead of the home-grown Ron Arrest. This was done without an official General Manager though. They did hire Scott Layden later on. Charles Dolan, who was the owner of MSG, the Knicks, and Rangers, stepped down. And on November 2nd, 1999, his son James Dolan became the head, a day which will forever live in infamy. 2000, the Knicks are back where they belong in the playoffs. Allen Houston and Latrell Sprewell had amazing seasons. They swept the Toronto Raptors and were quickly denied the chance to go any further, due to nonother than the bane of the Knicks himself, Reggie Miller, and the Indiana Pacers. The Knicks were ready to make improvements. What was their first move? Trading the legendary, home-loved, adored, big man himself Patrick Ewing to (ironically) the Seattle Supersonics. A great start to the new year. Trading away the best player in franchise history, especially after he wanted an extension on his contract. The Ewing Era was officially over. It would have been somewhat reasonable, if it weren’t for the fact that it was a terrible trade deal. Overseas in Japan, despite the Dreamcast launch, it did kinder up some good sales. They did keep up with the other console at first, but the high pre-orders mixed with the poor manufacturing rates made consumers unhappy. Another problem was they were expensive. Many disappointed people traded it in and used the money to buy another console. The delayed (but high selling) Sonic Adventure was good but just couldn’t save it from the slowly declining sales. Sonic himself in 2000 had a quiet year. “Sonic Shuffle”, a board-game-based game similar too Mario Party. It had mixed thoughts. The game was alright, but surely was no Sonic Adventure. Similarly, Sonic and the Knicks’ first year in the 2000s was so-so. Nothing too special but had a slight decrease in shine.
2001: After losing to the Raptors in the playoffs, the Knicks needed some time to regroup. During the offseason, Layden decided it would be a good idea to opt-out of the draft (missing many great players) to resign Allen Houston to a 6 year-100-million-dollar contract. Keep in mind, this was the biggest contract in franchise history at the time. Oh, and he got rid of Glen Rice (one of the guys acquired in the Ewing Trade). He replaced him with guys who also had beefy, long contracts for no reason. Larry Johnson retired, the Knicks new season started badly, and the promising Jeff Van Gundy resigned, and AC Don Chaney was promoted. He didn’t do much to help. To end off on an even worse note, the Knicks had themselves a 30–52 season and missing the playoffs. Fun fact: it was the first time since the 1986–87 season they did not qualify for the playoffs. On Sega’s end, the production for the Dreamcast was discontinued. They took a major step back and became a third-party developer, meaning they will only make games for other consoles and no longer make consoles of their own. They lowered the price of the remaining stock they had, and their net-worth decreased greatly. It just couldn’t keep up and hurt Sega more than it helped it. Just like a dream itself, the Dreamcast was sweet, short-lived, and then faded away. The Sonic game they released, however, would be a fan favorite for generations to come. They released “Sonic Adventure 2”, the official sequel to the first Sonic Adventure. It had extremely high reviews and Sonic fans adored it. It introduced any new characters and innovative game mechanics the series has never seen before. The game can be played more than once, due to it having 2 campaigns that overlap in parts and conclude at the same time. 50 years in the past, Gerald Robotnik (the grandfather of Dr. Robotnik) works on the “Ultimate Life Form” in “Space Colony ARK.” There, his granddaughter, Maria, is born with Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome making her unable to leave the ARK in fears of her dying. Gerald (who is actually a genuinely good soul) tries everything to cure Maria. He creates “Project Shadow”, a powerful hedgehog with immortality. He and Maria bond and become close friends. Then the “Guardian Units of Nations”, or G.U.N for short, saw that Shadow was too dangerous and raided the ARK in attempts to liquefy all information and personnel involved. Instructed to escape, Maria puts Shadow in an escape pod before being gunned down in the crossfire from G.U.N agents to kill Shadow. He escapes, is recovered by the government, put into stasis until Robotnik reawakens him 50 later to use him in his plan for world domination. Shadow, having amnesia, can only remember the last moments with Maria. Filled with hate and anger, he believes Maria’s wishes were to get revenge on humanity. He helps Robotnik acquire the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic is framed for doing so, and thus he and the rest of the team venture out to stop Robotnik once again. The character Rouge the Bat, the independent and flirtatious jewel thief made her first appearance. Playing multiple sides as she helps Shadow acquire the emeralds, works as an undercover agent for G.U.N, and even stealing part of the Master Emerald from Knuckle, making for some interesting and funny interactions. It ended as Shadow realizes that Maria wanted Shadow to give people another chance for a better future. His alignment changes as he and Sonic team up to defeat the final boss and save the day. Shadow was last seen falling to earth after the battle, and the day was saved. A great/complex story and a legendary OST with Crush-40 helping with it. gave the Sonic series a little bit of a mature look. Fans fell in love with Shadow’s serious and edgy personality. Quite possibly, the already amazing Sonic Adventures was matched with an amazing sequel. This year, Sonic and the Knick’s outcomes were quite different. Sonic seemed to get the better end of the stick. But this luck won’t last forever.
2002: an overall poor year for both. The Knicks extended Don Chaney’s contract. They had the seventh pick in the draft (which is solid at most), but instead of rebuilding through the draft, the front office made the terrible decision of packaging the pick the star Marcus Camby and Mark Jackson for veteran Antonio “the-dealing-with-knee-problems” McDyess. Did he play for them during the season? No. He ended up destroying his knee in an exhibition game and missed the entire season. Latrell Sprewell broke his hand on his yacht due to the rough waters. Or he punched a guy, not sure. Doesn’t really matter he missed the beginning of the season. “Fire Layden”, would echo through the garden because of his poor and rash decisions. Their season ended with a 37–45 record, missing the playoffs for the second year in a row. Over in the land of the Rising Sun, Sega executives were comprising a deal with pachinko machine developer, “Sammy Corporation” and Japanese video game company, “Bandai Namco Entertainment.” The president of Sammy had a history with Sega in the past, so it was likely for some agreement to go through. Namco on the other hand withdrew. Sammy was upset with Sega as they attempted to persuade Namco more. This prompted both companies to withdraw, and Sega gained nothing. In the States, some high business workers left Sega due to being unhappy with Japan's refusal to shift with the demand for more mature games. As for Sonic, they had to now make games for companies they once rivaled. They released the “Sonic Advanced” series (from 2001-2003) for the Nintendo “Game Boy Advanced.” It had mixed reviews. Fans enjoyed them while criticizing them for being too short, having imbalanced gameplay, and some bad level designs. The total net-loss even forced them to file for bankruptcy around this time. It could have been all over then. Things are starting to slowly dip for these two. No improvement, no noise in the world of games. The tides are starting to shift.
2003-2009: (let’s just group together these painfully terrible years altogether since they are all painfully terrible) the quicksand has now gotten a firm grip on the iconic red shoes of Sonic and the Nike Air Force 1s of the Knicks and was slowly sinking them down to their necks. Knicks continued to give girthy salaries to C tier players, were bad enough to get to the playoff but good enough to get high draft picks, Sprewell was given up for Keith Van Horn and an old Dikembe Mutombo. This was the last straw for Layden. Retired NBA legend Isiah Thomas became the Knicks president after the chants in the garden have finally been answered. He got right to work. He fired Chaney for Hall of Famer Lenny Wilkens. Great. Then made a big move in releasing McDyess, NY legend Charlie Ward, and 2 future first-round picks for all-star Stephon Marbury and Penny Hardaway. After no real sign of rebuilding and a bad start, the Knicks miraculously snuck into the playoffs. Perfect. Except they got swept by the New Jersey Nets. That season was sort of like the Sega Dreamcast. High expectations and then shockingly short-lived. The newly acquired ball-handling wizard, Jamal Crawford wasn’t enough for the Knicks the next season. Wilkens stepped down and the Knick missed another playoff season. Larry Brown was the new coach, but Isaiah made the best of their draft picks and trades. They fan-favorites like Trevor Ariza, David Lee, and Nate Robinson (who was not fighting Jake Paul yet). They also got Channing Frye, Jerome James, and Eddy Curry, in hopes that they could acquire a reincarnation of Patrick Ewing. This move would have been almost 100 percent perfect. Maybe if they didn’t give them unnecessary contracts and lots of first rounds picks away. Maybe. Allen Houston also finally retired. It was good, since he was washed-up and still had a ridiculous contract, but at the same time sad, since he was the last Knick to come from a beautiful time period in the history of the franchise. So how was the overall team? Pretty trash. They couldn’t rack up a good number of wins, there was that whole feud with Marbury and Brown, the players didn’t form good chemistry, even Isaiah and Brown bumped heads. So much so, Isaiah fired him finishing with a 23–59 record. And then (if this didn’t sound like some crazy written soap opera) he literally hired himself as head coach. Isaiah had a tremendous amount of pressure on him. James Dolan (every time I say his name it just makes me ball my hands into fists) wanted improvement or he was gone. The new season was going well at first until the big brawl that took place against the Denver Nuggets where multiple players received suspensions for it. They did have that one play that David Lee did where he put the ball into the hoop at 0.1 seconds in double overtime, which was one of the most stellar plays in franchise history. It was quickly looked over when a former MSG executive sued Isaiah ad MSG for sexual harassment, which they lost. The old “Fire Layden” chants were turned into “Fire Isiah.” The season once again started terribly, and the Knicks lost to the Boston Celtics in 104–59 game.
Remember that mess of a deal with Sega and Sammy that never happened? Well, Sammy ended up buying 22.4 percent of Sega's shares anyway. That same year Sega shifted all focus on the arcade business side of the company in order to patch up the open wounds that the home-console development left on them. Sammy then completely took over Sega, becoming “Sega Sammy Holdings.” They now split the company into 4 special quadrants, Consumer Business (video games), Amusement Machine Business (arcade games), Amusement Center Business (Sega's theme parks and arcades), and Pachislot and Pachinko Business (Sammy's pachinko and pachislot business). Even though the main focus was on the arcade aspect of Sega, the video game branch was still at work, and so was Sonic. Comic books, TV spinoffs, and of course his favorite platform, games. Only a few really made any real impacts. For example, “Sonic Heroes.” 4 separate and interwoven storylines, the return of lovable and familiar faces, the long return of Team Chaotix (originally from a game back in 1995 which is a surprise), the ability to switch characters mid-level, and the continued story, it had high expectations from the last blockbuster game. Team Sonic races to defeat Robotnik’s new weapon, Rouge finds a though-to-be-dead Shadow and the robot, “E-123 Omega” who form Team Dark who set to defeat Robotnik while Shadow tries to uncover some of his past, Team Rose finds Amy, the comically slow “Big the Cat”, and the sweat young pure-hearted “Cream the Rabbit” who go off in search of Sonic, and Team Chaotix, a band of quirky detectives, “Vector the Crocodile”, “Espio the Chameleon”, and “Charmy Bee” gets a mysterious job offer that they can’t refuse. A fan-favorite for sure, but to the extent of mixed reviews. Fans loved it; others hated it. Overall, it was a serious game in the franchise, but a very, very mediocre one.
After some filler games, Sega saw all the popularity Shadow the Hedgehog has received ever since his debut. He was as famous as Sonic was (maybe even more at the time) and fans loved his personality, as it accompanied a lot of the angsty/emo/goth/rebellious/alternative-punk rock/edgy teen personality of the early 2000s. It supported what was about to come. “Shadow the Hedgehog”, his very own standalone game. Shadow laments his existence, trying to figure out who he really is. An alien armada invades the city. Shadow is confronted by the leader of the “Black Arms” alien forces, “Black Doom” and tells him of some old agreement made to bring him the Chaos Emeralds, in exchange for the truth of his past. Shadow goes on to slowly regain memories. This game is unique in the series, with its branching stories that affect how the game ends through what missions the player chooses. It has a good ending, a bad ending, or a true ending, in which Shadow learns he was created with Black Doom’s blood. Shadow is reminded of Maria to break from Black Doom’s mind-control over him and defeats him. This game is a major addition to the series. Unfortunately, it received a poor review. Some people thought Sega tried too hard to be edgy and dark and ended up making it somewhat cringeworthy. Now Shadow was being made fun of for this reason. They also ruined his character a bit. Going from a broken victim, blinded by hate and anger to realize that his promise to the person he cared about was to protect others and giving them a second chance, to a gun-toting, I-hate-everything-and-everyone-so-don’t-get-in-my-way, anti-hero, edge lord (Oh yeah he uses guns in this game). The next line of titles will be more mediocre than the next. Until one unholy game was created.
Only titled, “Sonic the Hedgehog” (more commonly known as Sonic 06), was the game for the new generation of consoles, the “X-Box 360” and “PlayStation 3”. “Silver the Hedgehog”, a pure, determined young hero is from the doomed future. Engulfed in flames from the monster “Iblis” he, and his close female friend “Blaze the Cat”, try to save their present. A mysterious person gives him the chance to go back in time to stop the sequence of events that will eventually lead to the futures doom. Desperate he is assigned to kill a blue hedgehog from the past in order to stop it. The villain, “Mephalis the Dark” manipulates the many heroes in the story to get to his goal. It turns out that the artifact Rouge steals contained him in it. He is released to get to his godly form of nonother than Iblis and tricks Silver into thinking Sonic was the reason for the future being destroyed. Sonic, Shadow, and Silver then team up to defeat him once and for all. This game……was absolutely horrendous. Buggy glitches, some bad voice acting, a nearly impossible boss fight to beat with Sonic and Silver, and one of the worst chopped up and overly complicated stories with an unbelievable amount of major plot holes and bad story planning. It is easily considered the worst Sonic game ever created. Sega and Sonic’s reputation will forever be stained by this awful game. The good that did come out of it was smothered by how terrible it was. Silver was a good character (and my personal favorite). Mephalis was actually a good villain that used manipulation (who also killed Sonic (he was the only one to do so)). Shadow’s character was fixed a little. But now, this colossal failure will scar the franchise for eternity. It doesn’t matter how fast Sonic runs; he will never live past it.
For the remainder of the decade, Sega put out more either bad or mediocre Sonic games. They go so far as to turn Sonic into a Werehog. A werehog! Literally a werewolf/hedgehog. They have no impact on the gaming world, as for the games during the classic era did. Sonic is drowning (and he actually can’t swim) and Sega is throwing him uninflated floaties in attempts to save their iconic mascot. The Knicks also ended up firing Isaiah Thomas and replacing him with Mike D’Antoni. They made many trades, including traded Jamal Crawford for Al Harrington, and then traded a bunch of guys that barely played or barely made in impact for others who will later do the same. These two failing and failing badly. The Knicks and Sonic are now the laughingstocks of sports and gaming. The once-powerful Knicks who once had a titan-like grip on the East, are now a small, non-serious threat to all. It was once mainstream to be a fan of Sonic, now it's mainstream to point and laugh at the cringy/bad games it produces. There seems to be no let-up. Every time they try to turn it around, they end up 10 feet from where they last were. These two got lost walking down a long dark tunnel and there is no light at the end. What will become of them? Hope is fading away by the second. I’m getting nauseous, I think I’m going to be sick.
submitted by Mr-Mixtap3 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

Effective Immediately

Ok might be a long one so sorry in advance,About 10 months ago I worked dispatch and transport for a company who was in the steel reinforcement industry.... I generally worked with customers to have their steel arrive when they needed it so they wouldn't be delayed as best I could and occasionally would have to ask other customers if they could reschedule or if their delivery was time critical.
My original supervisor had left for a better opportunity at a rival company about 5 months prior and I now had to report to the higher ups because they refused to either promote me or hire someone to fill HIS position and instead just transferred someone from interstate who was from another department (not transport) to do the easier parts of my job; (calling customers who had multi level buildings to pre plan an approximate date of when they would need certain work plans put into production) while I had to continue to do the bulk of the delivery planning, truck scheduling, Driver Manifests and booking any small courier work although during the week leading up to this MC she was on leave and I had been doing EVERYTHING.
Now rule of thumb was account customers who paid a premium delivery got priority then standard account customers followed by one off or "cash sale" customers unless the customer happened to pay for the premium delivery service... unfortunately sales and management had started getting the idea that they could get every delivery done whenever the customer said JUMP because I had been hitting the target with about a 99% hit rate with the exceptions of when weather or machine breakdown became a factor. 🤷‍♂️
Sorry for the backstory but I feel it was needed to get the full context of the job (those in transport understand)
So I got a call from one of the customers we'll call him John Doe who happened to be a cash sale telling me he needed his steel on site approx 80 kilometres away (50 miles for those not yet caught up with the rest of the world) at 7am on Monday on a truck with a crane but couldn't accommodate a Semi as there wasn't room on site, problem was that this was on Friday... in the afternoon ... 90 minutes before my finishing time!
I tell the customer I'm sorry but there is no way I could get 23 tonnes of steel produced, and delivered to him by 7am as his site was at least 60 - 90 minutes away depending on traffic and our crane truck drivers start at 6am so they first need to check and tie down their load before getting the OK to leave by the safety officer on site but also, all our production capacity was full and his steel which was originally booked for Tuesday afternoon was pre-approved for a semi with no crane as they had one on site. Now the silence was deafening as I knew exactly what was coming, JD had started a huge tirade about how his steel needed to be there or he'd miss the concrete pour and his steel fixers needed it ready to go the moment they finished their site meeting (I guess they had an hour long site meeting?) and that their crane was not arriving on site until the following week when the prefab walls arrive.
Now to be fair I had just had a week of hell already and this guy was the last thing I wanted before I was to enjoy my weekend so I simply responded with the "I'm sorry sir but my hands are tied at this point, if you had called yesterday and I had time to try and rearrange some jobs it would have had a slight chance of being pushed up but as it is now I wouldn't be able to;A) have the steel produced or B) have two crane trucks spare to dedicate to one delivery"
Before he can resume his rant I tell the customer "I can try for Tuesday morning but again at this point only half of the order would get there and I would first need to have a driver agree to start early to be there by 7am."
John D: "That's not good enough, I've paid good money for this steel so I expect it when I need it"
Me: "I understand you need the steel however you're asking me to prioritise your work over another that was already booked and confirmed"
John D: "and your point? just get me my delivery!"
Me: "My point is you're asking me to sit here at my desk for another 2 hours while I attempt to find the trucks needed from outside hire companies, ask the production team to work overtime tonight and tomorrow to complete the extra work loading onto two separate trucks and try to convince two drivers to start at least half an hour earlier to have a chance at being there by 7am if they are quick at tying down their loads. as well as the extra work the morning crew will have on Monday to load two other trucks that couldn't get pre-loaded as they're outside hire and won't get here until 6am at the earliest and THAT'S assuming I can even find the trucks on such short notice considering most companies have their trucks completely booked out by Midday for the next business day"
John D: "F**K you, don't tell me you can't do it, last week I ordered 50 lengths and it was here 3 hours later, so don't F**king tell me you can't do it"
ME: "May I ask who you ordered it through?" - (we have a few sites around the state that hold stock materials that can be couriered and assumed correctly that this is what had happened)
John D: "Dave is the guy I normally speak to about that stuff"
Me: " oh from our site that is literally 20 minutes from you that had the stock on hand so only needed to put it on a truck that was going that way?"
Apparently this is where my smart ass nature had pushed him over the edge because he hung up on me and I had wrongly assumed he got the message that he was asking the impossible and conceded but no..... I had gotten a call from the "Big Boss" asking me to come up to his office about 10 minutes later. When I got there the sales manager was there also.
Boss: "what's this I am told you refuse a customer their delivery?"
Before I can respond
Sales Manager: "I just got off the phone to a customer who I was about to put on account telling me that you were rude and offensive and he expects his delivery"
ME: "Hmmm OK, so in answer to your question boss yes I have refused a customer their delivery on the grounds that we can't make that time slot as we are already booked up till Tuesday afternoon and no SM I wasn't rude or offensive but if he took offence to anything I said then that's on him as offence is taken not given."
Boss: "OK, why can't we make that delivery?"
Me: "Well because the 23 tonnes of steel he ordered was originally confirmed for Tuesday afternoon on a Semi with no crane as they apparently had a crane on site however he asked for it to be Monday morning at 7am split onto two rigid crane trucks only 25 minutes ago"
thinking this was a satisfactory answer I had assumed they would realise what a douche canoe this guy was
Sales Manager: "What do you mean? that's no reason we can't get the steel to him!"
At this point I had lost my patience as the sales team seemed to think they could get their way no matter what because management always backed them. I don't know what it's like in other countries but here in Australia we have two ways of reacting once we lose our patience.... get angry or become a downright smartass, I chose the 2nd path.
ME: "Apart from the fact we have 280 tonnes of steel already booked for other customers, all our crane trucks are booked to confirmed slots and I would have more chance of meeting the Queen of England at a local pub while Ozzy Osbourne was biting the head off a bat then getting another two trucks booked before I finish
Boss: "There's no need for that, but surely we can resolve this so everyone is happy"
Sales Manager: "Get the steel to the customer and I'll be happy!"
ME "Stop thinking that I have a magic truck spawning wand that I wave every time you guys place an "URGENT" order or a customer rings complaining they can't change the date and time of their delivery and I'll be a little less annoyed"
this is where things went south
Boss: "Well this is a potential account customer so here's what needs to happen, you will find a way to get this done or you will find another job effective immediately"
Me: "Well looks like I'm finding another job because there is no way I can get 2 trucks from here to site by 7am Monday morning AND keep my other job deadlines that I have already confirmed.
I then stood up and walked out of the office back to the dispatch office where my desk was, wiped my personal files (my own notes and spreadsheets I kept that helped me in my job) from the computer I worked on shut my computer down and collected my personal belongings from the tea room and desk drawers. The guy who also worked in the office (he worked as the driver safety check and made sure the trucks were always maintained and compliant - Maintenance guy or MG) asked what was going on to which I shrugged and responded
Me: "you know that Clyde North guy from before? he just complained to his Sales rep who in turn complained to Big Boss and they told me to find a way of getting it done or find another job so I guess I find another job
Maintenance guy: "yeah but you haven't printed any of the Manifests or done the courier bookings for Monday morning"
Me: "I'm just following instructions and finding another job effective immediately because they did tell me to do that if I didn't find a way"
the desk phone rang but I didn't answer because it was the sales manager then it rang again this time Big Boss but I still didn't answer because as far as I was concerned I was now fired effective immediately. My mobile rang next from a number I didn't recognise but I answered because of my Karate School and being a potential new student however, it was Big Boss on his personal mobile.
Boss: "Why didn't you answer your desk phone?"
Me: "Oh because effective immediately were the words used hence I no longer work here and am not obligated to answer the phone at the desk I no longer am employed to sit at. Thank you for the employment Boss..... btw you may need to send someone to organise the manifests and courier bookings for Monday as I normally do that in my last 90 minutes to ensure any cancellations are caught before I leave and good luck finding a way of delivering that steel to Clyde North at 7am on Monday morning"
I hung up the phone and said my goodbyes to the few people I actually liked and got along with on my way out however, as I finished putting my things in my car I had the SM and Big Boss stop me at my car telling me I had to finish out the day to which I smiled and responded with "Effective Immediately are words I am happy to comply with" got in my car and drove to my Dojo where thanks to my leave payout I can now run Full time Karate and Kobudo (traditional weapons) classes.
A far as I was told they had to pay a stupid amount of money to the competitor to help them cover the various deliveries that had to be moved around to accommodate the douche canoe that wouldn't accept his original agreement.
**** Clyde North is the suburb of the delivery *****
submitted by auskarateguy to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

MUST READ ! How can I upgrade my Optiplex ? UPGRADE F.A.Q

MUST READ ! How can I upgrade my Optiplex ? UPGRADE F.A.Q
As there are to many posts on this subreddit basically asking : "Can I put X GPU in Y Optiplex ???" or "Is this CPU enough for running X game ?", the moderation decided to write this FAQ post, which hopefully will help out most people upgrading their Optiplexes.
I am not an Optiplex expert. I've opened and upgraded some units but I haven't seen them all. If there's a mistake, feel free to correct me, preferably with references so I could put them in this post.
This FAQ is non exhaustive and additional parts can be added any time, so you can frequently check it. From now on, any post that asks for something that has been answered here will be deleted and the user will be asked to read the FAQ to answer his basic questions. He can then create a new post with more specific questions that don't figure in the FAQ to avoid this subreddit being a collection of GPU upgrades post.
If you have any questions regarding PC upgrades in general (even after reading this FAQ), consider browsing pcmasterrace, buildapc or pcgamingtechsupport just to name a few. It's not that we don't want to help you, it's just because this subreddit is a small community and these mentioned communities have a much bigger number of online users. You will get a faster answer going through them.
We are still welcoming posts about done Optiplex builds and also support questions that are not treated in this FAQ.
Thanks for understanding.

0. Optiplex terminology

Dell Optiplexes, as they are businesses oriented machines commonly come in 5 different sizes :
MT, which stands for Mini-Tower, is roughly the size of a m-ATX build. They feature a 5.25inch optical drive bay (on older models, laptop sized optical drives on newer models), at least one 3.5 inch drive bay. They sometimes have a 2.5inch drive bay too. They do have a PCIe 16x slot and a roughly ATX compliant PSU. Some older models use non-ATX connectors on their PSU but one patient enough could remap a standard ATX PSU to them to increase the maximum power delivery. They can house decent GPUs but some drive-bay-cutting can be required for the longest cards. They are the easiest to upgrade and overall less expensive in the used market because they were less expensive new too.
DT, which stands for Desktop Tower are basically low profile versions of MT units. That means that they are half the width and can be easier put on a desk. They feature a 5.25inch optical drive bay (on older models, laptop sized optical drives on newer models) and a 3.5inch drive bay. Some have a 2.5 inch drive bay. They have a PCIe 16x slot but since they are low profile machines, only low profile GPUs will fit without chassis modification. With chassis modification, a regular GPU can be plugged without issues. Their PSU is non-ATX and can be hardly replaced without chassis modification. Some can be swapped for other Optiplex PSUs with higher rating but it is overall quite limiting in terms of upgrades. They also have a TDP limit set in BIOS, which prevent the motherboard from accepting the biggest CPU of its socket because it would overheat or overdrive the PSU. So for these ones, I highly recommend staying on low power, low profile GPUs.
SFF, which means Small Form Factor, is a bit smaller than the DT. They offer basically the same upgrades than the DT but feature a laptop optical drive and at least one 2.5inch drive bay. Some feature a 3.5inch drive bay, but not all of them.
USFF, which stands for Ultra Small Form Factor is basically half the volume of a DT. They offer very little to no upgrade possibilities : you can upgrade the CPU, the RAM, the storage, and... That's all. They feature a laptop optical drive and a one 2.5inch drive bay. They do have a PCIe 1x slot (laptop sized) for an optional Wi-Fi card.
Micro, which means... Well, micro. It's even smaller than the USFF and has been introduced in later series to replace the DT variant. These are very low power machines, with no CPU upgrades possible, as it is soldered. RAM and storage upgrades are eventually possible depending on the exact model. No GPU upgrade possible either. They run on a external power supply.

All these different sizes are easy to recognize... Except if you don't know about them ! Because there's no clear inscription that is easy to access on the unit for a non Optiplex user to indicate it in their posts, that makes us lost time because we constantly have to ask for that information.
Here's a side by side comparison of the lineup :

From left to right : USFF, SFF, MT and DT.

The newer models have a slightly different design, along with the introduction of the Micro variant.

I. Now can I upgrade my Optiplex ?

Like for any PC, there are some things to consider before upgrading components inside :

Does the motherboard have a PCIe 16x slot available for a dedicated GPU ?

For MT, DT and SFF owners, yes, there's one. But DT and SFF units can only have a low-profile expansion card. USFF units can have a GPU connected with the use of adapters but the performance will be significantly reduced. Micro variants cannot receive any GPU upgrades.

Is the PSU powerful enough for a dedicated GPU ?

Most of the time, the stock PSU is too weak for gaming grade GPUs (understand : any PSU that requires at least a 6-pin power connector). On MT units, it is very easy to replace depending on the model and almost any ATX PSU will fit the case. For DT, SFF and USFF unit owners, these are not ATX compliant and often come with proprietary connectors but one with sufficient motivation could still use a ATX PSU, modify the cable pinout and lay the PSU outside of the case. Not very appealing but functional.
To know how much power a GPU need, you can visit the GPU manufacturer website and be sure the PSU follows the minimum PSU requirements of the GPU. If it does not, you might have stability issues, because the PSU can't feed all components properly, data corruption, and possible damage to the PSU and/or the motherboard. So be always sure to have at least a 100W headroom, because Optiplexes cannot be overclocked, it is unnecessary to go higher with the headroom.

Can the new GPU fit the case ?

Looks like an obvious one but since there are low-profile Optiplexes available, asking yourself the question can be necessary. If you're unsure if the GPU length will fit in the case, just measure the case, and you'll know !
Smaller Optiplexes, like the DT and the SFF are low profile but if you're creative enough, a full size GPU can fit the case, without cutting a hole in the side panel, like it's commonly seen.
The USFF variant can still receive a dedicated GPU, through mini PCIe 1x to PCIe 16x adapters, but performance will be much lower because of the reduced bandwidth of the PCIe 1x...

Will I get bottleneck because it's a Optiplex ?

It depends on the generation of your unit. Models prior to 3rd/4th Intel gen will only have PCIe 2.0 on its internal ports, which can cause decreased performance because of the reduced bandwidth. Also note that some Optiplexes, despite having PCIe 3.0 available in their chipsets, have only their PCIe 2.0 lanes wired on the motherboard. This will affect higher end GPUs the most. There are charts online showing the effects of a lower bandwidth on some high end GPUs. Don't worry, your GTX1060 should run fine. A safe bet would be buying a higher end Optiplex, but these are more expensive and that can defeat the purpose of buying an Optiplex to make it into a cheap gaming PC.
As these are primarily prebuilt PCs made for professionals, their internals are cheap. The PSU is fine but weak, and the motherboard VRMs are not cooled most of the time. Literal translation : You can't expect a 4th gen Optiplex to run as well as a 4th gen high end custom build with similar specs.

Are you sure the GPU you will put in here won't be bottlenecked by the CPU ?

Well, again, it depends. Most Optiplexes found on sale are a few generations behind because companies get rid of them as their warranty expired. Of course, you will not have top notch performance (also because of stated above), but anything 3rd generation or more recent are still suitable for modern gaming, you will just need to have lower expectations. Older CPU lack some important instruction sets, especially AVX, which appeared in some 2nd gen Intel chips. Games have a huge performance boost from AVX and not having it can be very limiting in most recent titles, especially the less optimized ones.
Also, consider that CPU support on these is limited. You can upgrade to a i5 or a i7 but not every model is supported and you can't overclock anything on Optiplexes. Older i5/i7 are considered quite average for gaming nowadays.
If your Optiplex is older than 2nd Intel generation, I don't recommend you to attempt gaming with these. You will be always be disappointed. Gaming on 2 core CPUs is not possible anymore and older Core 2 Quad CPUs are very poorly clocked. In that case, I advise you to stick to basic computing tasks with these or buy a more recent model, I'm sorry.

How can I upgrade my CPU then ?

Since not all physically compatible CPU are supported by the motherboard (mainly for power consumption reasons), you'll have to check the CPU compatibility of your unit.
So for that, you type in your favorite web search engine "optiplex model catalog". You'll find specification catalogs from Dell's website most of the time, or from online shops that used to sell that model. Inside the documentation, you will find all configuration variants the series would have been sold with. Be sure to check compatibility with your specific variant, as it changes between them. If a CPU is listed as being sold in a higher end machine, consider it compatible with yours.
Some of these supported CPUs can be quite tricky to find, because some were not even sold in boxes and thus available only to OEMs, especially the lower consumption variants of some i5 and i7 chips. You will have a hard time getting your hands on one of these. I recommend you checking Aliexpress to buy your CPUs. They have tons of used OEM parts. Some specific models are quite expensive for what they are, that's why I don't recommend investing too much in a CPU. I ordered several used CPUs on Aliexpress and had no issues, but that does not mean it can't be any. If you don't want to order in China, I understand, but you will be restricted to the CPUs that are available where you live, and you can pay more for it, if it is very uncommon.
To support more "mainstram" CPUs, there's no magic trick, you'll need a modified BIOS ROM for your motherboard. HP BIOSes are quite locked down, there's no editor that I'm aware of. That means that you'll need to manually edit the BIOS through a hexadecimal editor and know precisely what you're doing ! I don't recommend you to flash a non-official downloaded BIOS that is said to work on your model. There are lots of motherboard revisions and it might not be compatible with the motherboard itself and you will brick it.
DISCLAIMER : Flashing a modified BIOS can void the manufacturer's warranty (duh) but can also damage the hardware if not done properly. There's no "BIOS flashback" option on these motherboards, as they are not meant to be flashed without HP's tools and ROMs. If the CPU you want to use is not supported, there must be a reason, don't you think ?
A BIOS update through HP's utility from the BIOS itself don't hurt tho. Most older Optiplexes still receive BIOS updates.
To replace the CPU, be very careful (as you always should be). If the stock thermal paste has never been replaced, chances are that the cooler is stuck really hard on the CPU. DON'T TWIST THE COOLER ! It can destroy the socket... I've done the mistake myself. If is is stuck and you can access the 3 anchor screws on the socket (which basically hold down the CPU to the socket), unscrew them and the cooler will come with the CPU stuck on it. Then use plastic tools to break the thermal paste seal and get back the CPU. If you can't access those screws, you'll need some more trickery. You'll need Petrol F and/or White Spirit. Petrol F is more efficient on very dried pastes. So the goal is to apply Petrol F between the CPU and the cooler with the help of a syringe or a thin brush. Apply Petrol F all around the point where the CPU and the cooler meets. With patience and care, the cooler should come off quite easily. Petrol F actually liquefies thermal paste and is a good way to clean it off. Remove all residue from the CPU and the cooler with isopropyl alcohol and be careful not to touch the areas. Apply new thermal paste and you're done !
I highly recommend to replace the thermal paste of the CPU, even if you will not replace the CPU. The ideal being performing a delid on the CPU (3rd gen and later only) to ensure maximum thermal performance, but if you don't know how to perform this delicate operation, don't do it.

II. Can I play X game on my now upgraded Optiplex ?

This subreddit is not dedicated to gaming. But it would be tyranny for moderation to delete a post dedicated to specific games running on a Optiplex machines because it is still Optiplex related, I guess ?
Anyways, I highly recommend to check online for more information before posting here. There are lots of benchmark videos available on YouTube and simply browsing "CPU name + GPU name + game name" should give some results. If you're not satisfied with video benchmarks, ask over at gaming or pcmasterrace, they will provide much faster answers.

Thanks for reading this wall of text, you've made it ! If you have other questions, feel free to make a post on this subreddit. If it is an interesting question, it might end up in this FAQ, who knows ?
If you have suggestions or additional tips you feel must be included in this FAQ, feel free to comment this post.
submitted by lululock to optiplexes [link] [comments]

Update 8.2 - Patch Notes

Read the full Patch Notes here:
We’re bringing some new toys to the Battlegrounds in update 8.2, along with some visual improvements to a few weapons, a nostalgia hit in the main menu, and more!

New Weapon: MG3

The latest weapon available in Battlegrounds Care Packages is the fast firing MG3 Light Machine Gun. With two different rates of fire, a bipod for stability, tracer rounds to help you keep track of your spray, and increased weapon damage to vehicles, there’s a new reason to fight over the big red box.

New Throwable: Decoy Grenade

Disorient your enemies and cover your movements with the new Decoy Grenade. Available as world loot on Sanhok, the Decoy Grenade will make fake firing sounds for about 10 seconds after thrown, giving you a few moments to make your move.
The Decoy Grenade is a new throwable which mimics gunshot sounds. Purposely made to be used as a tactical item to distract and outwit your opponents.


Weapon Remodel and Retexture
M416, SKS and Kar98k has been remodeled from scratch to improve their visual quality. Along with their visual update, firing sounds of these weapons have also been overhauled.
Care Package Updates
LMG (Light Machine Gun) Balance Adjustment


Erangel Docks

Quality of Life Improvements

Throwables Wheel Menu Improvements
The Throwables Wheel has been updated to better facilitate multiple recent additions to the PUBG throwable arsenal.
Helmet Hide Function
Sometimes you just want to look good for YOU. For those moments, you can now toggle off your helmet to maintain your default costume pieces, even after you protect your noggin with a fine Level 3 helmet. This functionality is purely cosmetic, and other players will still see you with a helmet on, but you’ll at least get the satisfaction of enjoying your chicken dinner in full Alex the Dinosaur costume glory.


The Following performance improvements have been made:

Esports Tab – PCS 2

The Esports Tab has been updated to include PCS2 information and the next Pick em challenge!
When the challenge unlocks, you can head over and make your predictions just like before. Grab as many points as you can and pick up some of the great new PCS2 items! The Esports Tab will be available until September 23rd!
Menu Breakdown
Want more info? Read the PCS 2 event announcement here. Stay tuned for another announcement on everything you need to know about the Pick’Em Challenge.
For everything PUBG Esports, head over to, or hit the PCS2 logo in the esports tab for an easy shortcut when you’re in-game.

UI/UX & Menus

Background Music Selection
Players looking for a bit of nostalgia when they log in can now choose their lobby music! We’ve added a selection of themes dating from all the way back to Early Access for you to choose from. After all, there’s no better way to get hyped for the Battlegrounds than by rocking your favorite tunes!
Select your Background Music under Settings.
Match History
New Loading Screen and Guide for Training Mode
In-game UI Improvements
Emote Settings Improvement
Improved System messages
Store UI Update


Friends List Rework

Custom Matches

Team Deathmatch is now available in Custom Matches
New system message for Custom Matches
Replay System

Skin & Items

New Items

PCS Item sets (8 sets – Each comes with 1 voting coupon)
Metal Plated M416 Skins
We hope this gives our new players, and those of you who missed out the first time, another chance!
Sales Schedule

Bug Fixes

Skin & Items
submitted by PUBG_McClutch to PUBATTLEGROUNDS [link] [comments]

Console Update 8.2 – Patch Notes

To view the full patch notes with images, head to our website.
September 2 7PM PDT Hotfix
UPDATE September 2
UPDATE August 27:
We're bringing some new toys to the Battlegrounds in update 8.2, along with some visual improvements to a few weapons, a nostalgia hit in the main menu, and more!
Live Maintenance Schedule:
PDT: August 26 2020 22:00 - August 27 03:00 (5 hours)
CEST: August 27 2020 07:00 - 12:00 (5 hours)
Live maintenance schedule may change. We will update you if there are any changes made.
The full patch notes are below, so let’s get right into it.

New Weapon: MG3

The latest weapon available in Battlegrounds Care Packages is the fast firing MG3 Light Machine Gun. With two different rates of fire, a bipod for stability, tracer rounds to help you keep track of your spray, and increased weapon damage to vehicles, there's a new reason to fight over the big red box.

New Throwable: Decoy Grenade

Disorient your enemies and cover your movements with the new Decoy Grenade. Available as world loot on Sanhok, the Decoy Grenade will make fake firing sounds for about 10 seconds after thrown, giving you a few moments to make your move.
The Decoy Grenade is a new throwable which mimics gunshot sounds. Purposely made to be used as a tactical item to distract and outwit your opponents.


LMG(Light Machine Guns) weapon balance adjustment
Weapon Remodel and Retexture
M416, SKS and Kar98k has been remodeled from scratch to high level of visual quality. Along with their visual update, weapon sounds of those weapons has been overhauled to match the improved quality.
Care Package Updates
Erangel Docks
World update

Quality of Life Improvements

Helmet Hide Function
Sometimes you just want to look good for YOU. For those moments, you can now toggle off your helmet to maintain your default costume pieces, even after you protect your noggin with a fine Level 3 helmet. This functionality is purely cosmetic, and other players will still see you with a helmet on, but you'll at least get the satisfaction of enjoying your chicken dinner in full Alex the Dinosaur costume glory.


The Following performance improvements have been made.

Esports Tab - PCS 2

The Esports Tab has been updated to include PCS2 information and the next Pick em challenge! When the challenge unlocks, you can head over and make your predictions just like before. Grab as many points as you can and pick up some of the great new PCS2 items! Esports Tab will be available from 8.2 live server update to September 23rd!
Menu Breakdown
Want more info? Read the PCS 2 event announcement here.
Stay tuned for another announcement on everything you need to know about the Pick’Em Challenge.
For everything PUBG Esports, head over to, or hit the PCS2 logo in the esports tab for an easy shortcut when you’re in-game.

UI/UX & Menus

Background Music Selection
Players looking for a bit of nostalgia when they log in can now choose their lobby music! We've added a selection of themes dating from all the way back to Early Access for you to choose from. After all, there's no better way to get hyped for the Battlegrounds than by rocking your favorite tunes!
Select your Background Music under Settings.
Match History
New Loading Screen and Guide for Training Mode
In-game UI Improvements
Emote Settings Improvement
Improved System messages
Store UI Update
Added CPP Icons for each Platforms


Friends List Rework

Custom Matches

Team Deathmatch now available in Custom Matches
New system message for custom match
"Custom Match Update! Part 2!"

Ranked Mode

Skin & Items

New Items
Metal Plated M416 Skins
TBR Items
PUBG - PlayStation®Plus Drop Pack (PS Plus Exclusive)
Introduction of the Killer Clown Sets on PS4: PS4 players never had the chance to get the Killer Clown Set as it was introduced before the launch on PS4. It is finally here and it's now yours to get.
Note: We have free perks planned for Xbox players in October so please stay tuned!
Sales Schedule

Bug Fixes

Skin & Item
submitted by PUBG_Lumos to PUBGConsole [link] [comments]

[FULL REVIEW] [4.75 / 5 stars] MSI GE75 Raider 17" vs. Lenovo Legion 5i 17" with Intel Core i7-10750H & RTX 2060 [Lots of Pictures] [Part 2]

[FULL REVIEW] [4.75 / 5 stars] MSI GE75 Raider 17
This is the rest of my review... Part 1 can be found here.
Bottom Panel and Feet
  • MSI has additional open vents on its bottom panel. The angular feets may cause issues with certain laptop stands.
  • Lenovo only has two open vents for the CPU and GPU fans. Lenovo decided to put a questionable el-cheapo dust filter over the heatpipe area. The quality of this filter can be found on very cheap PC cases that comes with a dust filter. This filter is permanently stamped into the bottom panel and cannot be removed. The Legion 7i doesn't have this filter in place.
  • Winner: MSI because if you use a laptop cooler, you can also cool your RAM, M.2 slots, and 2.5" drive bay.
Removing the bottom panel
  • MSI requires you to break its virginity seal (Factory Seal) in order to get access to a screw underneath it. This sticker is razer thin and cannot be carefully peeled up without damaging it. Opening the bottom panel is hard the first time. You just need a screw driver and plastic prying tool. The second time you do it, it will be a lot easier because there are plastic tabs around the edge of the bottom panel that will break off. It will make it really easy to pull off the bottom panel the next time you do it. Unplugging the battery is very easy.
    • Recommended to start on the side with the headphone/mic jacks to lift the panel off of these jacks first then all other sides will be easy to separate. You also need to insert the panel starting on this side too when putting it back together.
  • Lenovo is a lot harder to remove because the vent area is where I had the most problems with. It can be difficult to remove because I had to force my prying tool under the vent in order to release it from the tabs. These tabs don't break off like with the MSI GE75. The second and third time I took off the bottom panel, it was as hard as the first time.
  • Winner: MSI
Upgrading laptop parts:
  • MSI has all user-upgradable parts:
    • [Storage #1] M.2 NVME or SATA SSD + two thermal pads underneath M.2 NVME SSD
    • [Storage #2] 1x M.2 NVME SSD
      • Screw is included but no extra thermal pads.
    • [Storage #3] 1x 2.5" HDD/SSD
    • Up to 64 GB DDR4 2666 MHZ DDR4 ram in Dual Channel
    • Network card
    • Battery - easy to remove
  • Lenovo has all user-upgradable parts:
    • [Storage #1] 1x M.2 NVME SSD
    • [Storage #2] 1x 2.5" HDD/SSD or 2nd M.2 NVME SSD
      • You can only have a M.2 SSD or 2.5" storage drive. You have to remove the 2.5" drive in order to reuse the special standoff bracket in order to mount your M.2 SSD to it. This bracket can be adjusted for full length (M.2 2240) and half-length (M.2 2242).
      • There is also a screw hole stand-off near the insertion port of the 2nd M.2 SSD slot. This might interfere with M.2 SSDs with NAND chips on bottom side of the PCB. You might be limited to 1 or 2 TB SSD. 4 and 8 TB SSD might have thicker NAND chips on the bottom of the PCB that may cause it not to fit. I also don't know if this is removable.
    • Up to 64 GB DDR4 2933MHz ram in Dual channel
    • Network card
    • Battery - requires tweezers to remove the tiny connector that is tightly plugged in.
  • Winner: MSI gives you 3x storage options! I don't know who designed and approved the internal layout of the Legion 5i 17", this entire group of people need to get a pay cut. This is the worst internal layout management I've seen in a 17" chassis. If Lenovo ditched the 2.5" drive bay, they could have added a 3rd NVME slot or a subwoofer. Next up is the Asus ROG Strix 17" but at least this laptop gives you 3x M.2 slots, and they could have fit a subwoofer in the empty corner.
  • Download to see Lenovo's Chassis Space (32 mb)
Repasting Thermal Compound:
  • MSI uses thermal paste on the chokes, VRMs, CPU, and GPU. There are some thermal pads on some components. They use K5 Pro non-conductive thermal paste on the chokes or VRMs. This will require extra work to clean. For warranty purposes, you might have to buy and use the same paste and use any other paste your CPU and GPU. This based on watching YouTube videos. If you decide to use thermal pads, it will be a trial and error process.
  • Lenovo uses thermal pads instead of a thermal paste on the VRMs and chokes. This will make it a lot easier to repaste.
  • Winner: Lenovo
Laptop Software:
  • MSI Dragon Center is controls your fans, allows you to overclock your GPU, and change laptop modes. You can set your laptop to stop charging at 60%. It has a battery calibration tool you can use once every 3 months to keep your battery in good health. You can enable/disable the webcam, USB LEDs, on-screen crosshairs and switch the Fn and Windows Key. There's other stuff in here that caters to a gamer.
  • Lenovo Vantage allows you to turn laptop features on and off. There's a built-in hardware diagnostic scan to see if your laptop is working or not. There's no manual fan control. There are tutorials and more company marketing material. No one gives a shit about this. You can also stop the battery from charging and disable the webcam.
  • Winner: Tie because they both work.
  • Download to see Lenovo (54 Mb) or MSI Dragon (12 Mb)
Coil whine issue:
  • MSI has coil whine. The first laptop I bought had it. This third laptop I'm using right now has it too. To me, it sounds like a beeping sound. It doesn't bother me because I have a lot of background noise like HVAC (air conditioner), planes flying by, kids running and playing outside, and people blasting loud music from their cars.
    • This can be fixed by disabling C-Step under the Advance tab in the BIOS. This will effect your battery life because it will prevent the CPU from dropping below its base clock speed. I always use my laptop plugged in, so it's not a big deal to me.
  • Lenovo has no coil whine because they put some sort of metal cover on their RAM, network card, and NVME SSD. This maybe provides some EMF shielding. On the other hand, I was probably lucky.
  • Winner: Tie This all depends on whether or not you can hear the frequencies of the coil whine. Some people cannot hear coil whine even though it's happening in their laptop. Some people are sensitive and to them it's a high pitch whine that drives them crazy.
Fan Noise
  • MSI
    • Silent and Balanced - is a mixture of silent (no fan noise) between quiet (low fan noise). The left edge of the keyboard chassis can get warm to hot, but this isn't an area I touch unless you rest your pinky and ring fingers there.
    • Extreme Performance - Quiet to Loud (maximum fan noise) depending on what you do.
    • For do basic tasks, it's 75% silent and 25% quiet. The fans are working, but it's not loud. It's safe to use this in your work, school, or library.
    • For gaming, the fans will become loud no matter if you use Silent or Balanced. Since this laptop gives you manual fan control, you can reduce the fan noise by setting your own fan curve.
  • Lenovo
    • Office and Balanced - is a mixture of silent (no fan noise) between quiet (low fan noise).
    • Extreme Performance - Quiet to Loud (maximum fan noise) depending on what you do.
    • For do basic tasks, it's silent 99% of the time but the fans can ramp up once in awhile if you open 5+ tabs all at once or do file compression/decompression. It's safe to use this in your work, school, or library.
    • For gaming, the fans will become loud no matter if you use Office or Balanced. No manual fan control through the Vantage application or BIOS.
  • Winner: MSI because it has manual fan control in the Dragon Center. You can adjust the fan curve, so you could play some games in a library or at work. Keep in mind, if you use a custom fan curve, the GPU is capped at 90-100 watts.
    • 65% fan speed is acceptable fan noise with CPU and GPU averaging 75C and the keyboard area including WASD may become hot.
    • If you want 100% silent, I set it maximum of 25% fan speed (1500 rpm) for CPU only. The GPU never turns on. This is only recommended for basic tasks. Laptop idles around 45C to 65C depending on what I do. The keyboard is cool to the touch but may become slightly warm in the middle.

Performance time



Gaming Performance with an RTX 2060 6 GB
I used both laptops flat on my desk without a cooling pad or laptop stand to raise the laptop up. I also do not undervolt or disable Turbo Boost. I keep them stock.
  • MSI on Extreme Performance mode with boost to 115W
    • COD: Modern Warfare on high settings with no motion blur and no ray tracing: 90 to 130 fps
    • Just Cause 3 on Ultra settings: 80 to 120 fps
    • Killing Floor 2 on ultra settings with no motion blur: 100 to 120 fps
    • CPU will hit 95C and will thermal throttle while GPU stays around 80C.
      • Disabling Turbo Boost will drop temperatures to around 70C for CPU and GPU, but the fan noise will stay the same unless you create a custom fan curve.
Lenovo on Performance mode with boost to 90W
  • COD: Modern Warfare on high settings with no motion blur and no ray tracing: 80 to 110 fps
  • Just Cause 3 on ultra settings: 80 to 100 fps.
  • Killing Floor 2 on ultra settings with no motion blur: 80 to 90 fps.
  • CPU will can hit 95C but will not thermal throttle but the GPU stays around 80C.
    • Disabling Turbo Boost will drop temperatures to around 70C for CPU and GPU, but the fan noise will stay the same.
  • Fan noise is loud during gaming, and there is no way to reduce fan speeds.
  • Winner: MSI GE75 hands down, won. MSI gives you a 115W GPU with the ability to overclock it for extra performance. If you disable Turbo Boost (a short cut to undervolting), the GPU will drop to 80 to 90W. You can apply an overclock to bring the GPU back up at 115W. Now your CPU is around 70C and GPU is around 80C. Using stock settings, MSI applies a 100 Mhz core and 150 Mhz memory overclock to the GPU in Dragon Center. Without undervolting or disabling Turbo Boost, the can GPU can boost close to 120w.
  • MSI allows you go unlock the Advance BIOS under the Advanced Tab by pressing all four buttons at the same time: Left ALT + F2 + Right CTRL + Right Shift. This make take several tries. You can enable overclocking and overclock or undervolt through the BIOS, but this requires a guide. You'll be better off using XTU to undervolt.
    • I was going to take pictures of each settings in the Advance BIOS, but there is way too many. Everything is in there. I really think it's for experts because you're not getting a manual book that explains in depth what each setting does. Each setting gives you the basic idea of what it does.
  • Lenovo just has a basic BIOS only. You cannot unlock the Advance Bios in the Legion 5i without flashing a modified unofficial BIOS.
  • Winner: MSI
  • Download to see MSI Basic (19 Mb) and MSI Advance (110 Mb) or Lenovo Bios (24 Mb)
  • MSI like many other manufacturers use a compact box that is pack inside of another cardboard box. There's a lot more protection for the laptop.
  • Lenovo comes in this big ass box that offers little protection for side impacts. This box is as big as a prebuilt Dell/HP micro-ATX PC. It's a poor design. I guess they wanted you to flex when you walk out of the retail store or UPS store to show everyone you got a Lenovo Legion box. It's more like "LOL, you got a small laptop. Well, look at me with my big ass box."
  • Winner: MSI
  • MSI gives you a full keyboard deck micro fiber cloth. You can cover the keyboard deck to keep the screen from pressing on the keyboard. A full suite of Cyberlink Photo, Audio, and Video editing application that aren't a free trial. MSI App Player (Android emulator) integrated into the laptop.
  • Lenovo gives you nothing else inside of your big ass box.
  • Winner: MSI
  • MSI has questionable bloatware that will depend on you if you use the included applications or decide to uninstall them. It comes with Norton (or McAfee) anti-virus, Cyberlink Photo, Audio, and Video applications, MSI App Player (Android emulator), MSI True Color, and around 8 Microsoft Office 365 language packs. The most annoying to uninstall is the Office 365 language packs with each taking about 5 minutes to uninstall.
    • If you do a clean install of Windows 10, you can download everything again except for the Cyberlink Photo, Audio, and Video Editing Suite and whatever anti-virus that came pre-installed.
  • Lenovo just comes with McAfee anti-virus.
  • Winner: Lenovo
  • MSI GE75
    • They includes this piece of paper if you write a review, you get a free headset. It's almost like a paid review to get you to write a 4 or 5 star review without any negatives. Since I bought this laptop the first time, I was able to get the free headset. This was around May to July.
    • This promotion has already ended. The headset sucks ass. It works, but it's one of those headsets where if the cord rubs against you or on the table, the noise transfers to the ear cups.
  • Lenovo Legion 5i
    • Lenovo inflates their prices and gives massive discounts to trick you into buying the laptop thinking you're getting a big discount when you really aren't. They slowly raise the price before there is a sale. Sometimes you can really get a big discount, so I guess you'll have to wait for the right time for it.
    • Lenovo has a confusing prebuilt vs. customization order. You get better customization with the 15.6" Premium model than with the 17.3" Premium model. You get to choose a Windows 10 Pro, 4-zone RGB, and 500 nits screen with the 15.6" Premium model. For the 17.3" Premium model, you get the option to choose Windows 10 Pro, and there's no option for RGB keyboard or 500 nits screen. If you customize your order, it costs more than the prebuilt option and also takes forever to ship it to you. Since I bought prebuilt, it shipped from North Carolina, USA. If you buy customized, it will come from China, which takes about a month or more.
    • Lenovo deleted my review even though I was being fair and professional with the review. I used the same name on Reddit as "TastyBananaPeppers," and I cannot find my 4 out of 5 stair review after receiving an email telling me it went live. I talked about everything I like about the laptop and the three things they need to work on which are macro support, better packaging, and adding a subwoofer into the Legion 5i 17.3" model.
    • Lenovo has poor internal space management in their 17.3" chassis. Go from the 15.6" chassis to a 17.3" chassis offers little improvements other than getting bigger screen and a USB 3.0 SD card reader. They are reusing the 15.6" laptop motherboard in the 17" laptop and stretching out the heatsink to better fit the 17" laptop. There are tons of space inside the laptop where they could have added more ports, subwoofer, and/or 3rd M.2 SSD slot.
    • Lenovo makes it a little hard to return the laptop. I called the customer service line from the website and seems like the custom service rep was totally clueless. It turns out I had to call the Legion Gaming line to start a return with them. Once I had the case number then I can talk to customer service to get my RMA #. I told them I wanted to return the laptop for a full refund because my screen got a minor damage along with a dead hard drive. They offer me to get it fixed, but I declined. They tried to bribe me with some Lenovo Reward points and to have it fixed, but I declined. I insisted a full refund. They offered a full refund in Lenovo Reward points, but I declined again. By the way, Lenovo Reward points can expire. Finally, I told them I was going to buy it at a Best Buy for an easy exchange then he allowed me to get a full refund. It took close to 3 weeks to get a full refund for the amount I paid with sales tax. I spent an hour on the phone.
    • Lenovo uses Uyghur Muslims in China to build their laptops for free. China is against Islam the religion, so they imprison them and force them into factory labor. See
  • Winner: Despite MSI with their questionable or unethical sales practice, MSI wins this one.
Conclusion with total points:
  • MSI GE75: 17
  • Lenovo Legion 5i: 6
  • Tie: 6
The Lenovo Legion 5i 17" is for students or working professionals who need a laptop that has good battery life in a gaming laptop. This laptop is for people who are always on the go and need more than 3 hours of battery life. This laptop has quick charging from 0 to 50% in 30 minutes and with a full charge in about 2-3 hours. You can also use your laptop to charge your phone while the laptop is off. The laptop design doesn't make you look like a gamer, and you can also game with your laptop too.
The one thing I really don't like about this Lenovo laptop is the RTX 2060 that is capped at 90 watts and 100 watts for the AMD 17". This is like buying a sports car, but the manufacturer secretly tuned the car to prevent it from driving over 90 miles per hour. You decide to to benchmark your car with the Dyno machine and discover it's well capable of reaching 180 miles per hour. Then, you drop the biggest WTF out loud. When I ran the Time Spy benchmark, it said I had a Refreshed RTX 2060. This is the same GPU that is in the MSI GE75 Raider laptop. Then, there's the different wattage between Legion models with RTX 2060.
  • Intel Legion 5i with 15.6" + webcam = 90w
  • Intel Legion 5i with 17.3" + webcam = 90w
  • Intel Legion 5i P (or 5Pi) with 15.6" but no webcam = 100 or 115w
  • Intel Legion 7i with 15.6" + webcam = 105w
  • AMD Legion 5 with 15.6" + webcam = 115w
    • This one currently appears to be the best one to buy as of November 5th.
  • AMD Legion 5 with 17.3" + webcam = 100w
  • AMD Legion 5 P with 15.6" but no webcam = 115w
The MSI GE75 Raider 17" is for gamers, enthusiasts, or people who want the best features in a laptop. This is almost like a desktop replacement laptop. You get a lot of features in this laptop that you might use or not use at all. It's better to have them than not to have them at all.
The one the thing I really don't like about the MSI laptop is the ergonomics of the keyboard and keyboard's metal deck. This is the first laptop I bought after not using a laptop for over seven years. I decided to buy a laptop to replace my 10 year old Clevo laptop that still runs perfectly fine except it's too slow to handle FireFox with one tab. It's a combination of the placement of F1 to F4, unnescessarily big console key (Counter Strike/Half-Life reference), and the keyboard rubberdome switch thing. I feel like these keys require a lot more force to press down than using a external mechanical keyboard (Logitech G610 Cherry MX Brown). If I attempt to play for a few hours using the laptop's keyboard, my hand will hurt for 1-2 weeks. I tested it a couple of times and got the same results.
In order for MSI GE75 to get the 5 star rating:
  • Get SteelSeries to make a standard size for the "Console" key.
  • Include a USB 3.0 Card Reader instead of USB 2.0.
  • Fix the Speaker popping issue
Other thoughts:
What laptop stand are you using?
Would I considered a Lenovo laptop in the future?
  • At this moment, the answer is no because I paid for a full 115 refreshed RTX 2060, but Lenovo won't give it to you unless you give them more money to buy the "5 P" model without a webcam. Here with Lenovo, you're getting the same 115w in all 7 of their Legion models. I read on their Legion Forums section, one of the Lenovo specialists said it was to increase reliability of their laptops. You can flash a vBIOS to unlock the 115w limit, but you shouldn't have to do it when you already got it. This process might void warranty or brick the laptop. I don't understand this Lenovo bs.
Will I switch to a different laptop?
  • Costco has a 90-day return policy on computers. It's super easy to return your laptop as long as it has no physical damage and no missing screws. The workers just do a basic visual check. I bring the laptop back to my local Costco and my money appears in my back within 2-3 days. They don't charge restocking fees. If I buy a laptop somewhere else, the return policy is 15 or 30 days with the possibly of paying restocking fees.
  • If Costco has a new Alienware m17 R3 laptop, I would try it if it's around $1800 with sales tax.
These are links to pictures and screenshots of both of these laptops:
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